Cosmetic Dentistry Center
7708 4th Avenue
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY 11209
    • 17 NOV 17
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    Too High Filling: Why It Is Important to Correct

    Lots of people have at least one filling and if this applies to you then you probably remember your dentist asking you to bite down and munch on a piece of paper shortly after your filling was completed. This special paper leaves brightly colored marks on the teeth that tell the dentist where the filling is too

    • 28 SEP 16
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    Restorative Dental Treatment: Do You Know Your Options?

    Restorative Dental Treatment: Do You Know Your Options?

    Restorative dental care helps to preserve your natural teeth so they can last as long as possible. Here at the Cosmetic Dentistry Center, our dentists will carefully assess any damage to your teeth and prepare a customized restorative dental treatment plan. If you have teeth damaged due to dental decay or trauma, then your recommended restorative dental

    • 12 SEP 16
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    How Restorative Dental Care Helps to Preserve Your Smile

    How Restorative Dental Care Helps to Preserve Your Smile

    If you are already a patient here at the Cosmetic Dentistry Center, then you will know how strongly we all feel about preventative dentistry. This combines treatments designed to help keep your teeth and gums healthy and free from disease. Preventative dental care includes your regular checkups and hygiene appointments, and fluoride treatments. So where does

    • 24 AUG 16
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    Tooth Pain: Top Reasons Explaining Why Your Teeth Hurt

    Tooth Pain: Top Reasons Explaining Why Your Teeth Hurt

    Tooth pain is never pleasant and can vary in its intensity, ranging from a mild sensation to a constant and throbbing pain. The reason why you feel pain is due to the pulp chamber right at the center of your tooth becoming infected or inflamed. As a result the nerves contained in the pulp chamber

Cosmetic Dentistry Center