Cosmetic Dentistry Center
7708 4th Avenue
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY 11209
    • 12 NOV 13
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    Sedation Dentistry

    Do you feel anxiety over arranging dental appointments, or perhaps you haven’t felt able to visit your family dentist for years? Some people are unable to visit the dentist due to fears over dental pain, which can often be down to a previous bad experience. Others are simply afraid of the dentist, or may have heard horror stories from their parents.

    • 12 NOV 13
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    Can Sealants Eliminate Tooth Decay?

    Dental sealants are a great invention, and are extremely effective at protecting teeth. However they can only be applied to healthy teeth that do not have any cavities or teeth that do not have any fillings. Once a tooth has been filled then it cannot be protected …

    • 12 NOV 13
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    New study: Teeth Whitening

    New study: Teeth Whitening

    Professional teeth whitening is one of the fastest ways to improve your smile and to create a more youthful and healthy appearance. It’s little wonder it’s incredibly popular, but is it safe?

    The good news is that provided your teeth whitening is carried out by a dental professional then you can rest assured that the results will be safe and predictable and will not damage your teeth and gums.

Cosmetic Dentistry Center