Cosmetic Dentistry Center
7708 4th Avenue
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY 11209
  • Pregnant Learn Why You Need Additional Dental Care

    Pregnancy is a time when most women will strive to be in the best possible health. It is not uncommon for a pregnant woman to visit her doctor and gynecologist or obstetrician in preparation for pregnancy. However part of these preparations should include a visit to your dentist at the CosmeticDentistryCenter. Not every pregnant woman is aware of the effect oral health can have on the unborn child, and to the dental health of the mother. Some pregnant women struggle to maintain good dental health during pregnancy as their efforts may be hampered by bouts of morning sickness and the physical demands of coping with being pregnant. One of the major concerns during pregnancy is the development of a condition called pregnancy gingivitis.

    Why Pregnant Woman Need Additional Dental Care

    Once upon a time gingivitis was thought to be confined to the gum tissues, but recent research has shown bacteria associated with this disease can also be involved with other systemic diseases which include diabetes, heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases. Even more worryingly it’s been shown oral bacteria and their products have the ability to cross the placenta, an organ that is extremely important for transferring nutrients that help promote the growth and development of an unborn baby. The passage of these bacteria could affect the fetus and may ultimately result in a premature delivery, a condition that is also associated with low birth weight.

    Extremely Important Issues for Pregnant Women

    These factors mean it’s extremely important for pregnant women to concentrate on maintaining excellent oral health. During pregnancy normal female hormone levels are elevated, particularly progesterone and this can also happen in women on the pill. These elevated levels can increase the sensitivity of the gum tissues and the blood vessels in these tissues become dilated. This dilation increases the gum tissues susceptibility towards the effect of plaque bacteria, and the toxins produced by these bacteria. Pregnancy gingivitis is particularly common from the second to eighth month of pregnancy. It’s been shown that periodontal therapy or treatment for gum disease helps to decrease inflammation in the gums, reducing the effects on the mother and unborn child.

    This is one of the reasons why your dentist at the CosmeticDentistryCenter may ask you to come in more frequently during your pregnancy. Having additional professional dental cleanings, and if necessary deep cleanings can help reduce inflammation in your gums, increasing your chances of enjoying a trouble-free and healthy pregnancy.

    Tips to Cope with Morning Sickness Pregnant Women

    You’ll also find your dentist can give you additional information on how to cope with the effects of any morning sickness. If you do suffer from nausea it can be useful to make sure you have a toothbrush and toothpaste with you at all times to freshen up afterwards. Some women also like to have a small bottle of mouthwash on hand, or a bottle of water. Even though it can be tempting to reach for the toothbrush straight after being sick, it is best to just rinse your mouth and to wait half an hour or so before brushing. This helps give your teeth a chance to remineralize, a process where some of the minerals removed from the teeth by strong stomach acids are redeposited back into the tooth enamel which helps to minimize the effects of exposure to these acids.

    Once your baby begins getting their first teeth, don’t forget to book their first dental appointment with our pediatric dentists.

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Cosmetic Dentistry Center