Cosmetic Dentistry Center
7708 4th Avenue
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY 11209
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    Why is a Good Pediatric Dentist so Important?

    Did you look forward to dental visits as a child? Most of us would answer no, and that is one of the reasons why our dental office has a dedicated pediatric office designed to make dental visits for children as fun and interesting as possible. The waiting room is brightly decorated with favorite cartoon characters, and our pediatric dentist will soon put anxious children at ease.

    Our caring dental team understands that some children can find visiting the dentist quite scary, and we know these early impressions can shape their view of dentists’ right into adulthood. If you have a dental phobia and if this sounds all too familiar to you then you probably want something different for your child, and to ensure they have the best possible dental health.

    We suggest that parents bring their children in to see us at least by their first birthday, or whenever they cut their first tooth. There is a good reason why we want to see them so young, as we will want to check their teeth and jaws are developing as expected, but you’ll also find we have loads of useful information on how to care for their new teeth. We recognize it can be a struggle to clean a young child’s teeth, and can give you practical advice on how to do so with the minimum of fuss.

    As your child gets older, we can gently educate them on the importance of having healthy teeth, and can help to show them how to clean their own teeth.

    Eventually your child will have twenty milk or primary teeth, and these will last until their adult teeth begin to push through from the age of six onwards. It might sound as if these milk or baby teeth are not very important. This couldn’t be further from the truth. These teeth act like placeholders for their adult teeth, maintaining the correct amount of space.  Milk teeth help your child to eat a varied diet that contains everything needed to help them develop properly. It is also pretty difficult to speak clearly without teeth! If you have ever had toothache then you will know how painful it can be, and it is no different for a young child with tooth decay.

    Regular dental visits will help ensure these first teeth do not develop any cavities, and that they last until they are ready to fall out naturally. At the same time, your child should feel completely relaxed about visiting our dental office and will grow up viewing regular dental care as completely normal. Hopefully they will also view good dental health as being something to be expected.

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