Cosmetic Dentistry Center
7708 4th Avenue
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY 11209
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    The Impact of a Smile Makeover

    It is all too easy to dismiss cosmetic dental procedures as being nothing more than mere vanity. In fact the impact of a smile makeover can be much more far-reaching, and a considerable number of studies have been conducted into the beneficial effects of having a beautiful smile.

    Today cosmetic dental surgery techniques can restore teeth to full function, and create a more youthful appearance, something that is increasingly important for that first impression. Anyone suffering from a poor self-image that is related to the appearance of their teeth will be far less likely to smile when meeting someone new for the very first time.

    This can severely impact their personal life and could even hinder their chances of finding someone special. Studies have also shown that having a less than perfect smile could hinder someone’s chances of career success.

    It is all in the Smile

    Interestingly experiments have been conducted into the impact of cosmetic dental surgery on other people’s perceptions. When shown ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos of people who had improved their smile through cosmetic dentistry, these individuals were viewed as being more attractive, more likely to enjoy success with the opposite sex, and even as being wealthier.

    The changes in these photos could often be quite subtle, as some people had relatively little work done on their teeth. The main difference was the fact that they felt more confident in themselves and able to smile without feeling self-conscious.

    Even Small Changes can create a Big Difference

    A smile makeover doesn’t need to be dramatic (although some people will aim for this effect) to have a far-reaching and positive impact on your life. If you take a look at before and after photos of patients treated by your New York cosmetic dentist, then you will be able to see that even relatively conservative treatments can create a huge change.

    Just a few optimally placed veneers, combined with professional teeth whitening can bring about a subtle but beneficial transformation. If you have a ‘gummy smile’ then this can easily be corrected through having the excess gum tissue removed. All of these are affordable cosmetic dental procedures that do not take long to complete. People with decayed or stained teeth, or who have had missing teeth replaced can significantly improve their appearance and their self-esteem.

    It is true that cosmetic dental procedures may not be strictly necessary, as they do not heal any disease, but the psychological benefits can be huge. People who have had smile makeovers often report being more able to interact with others so their social lives can improve, as can their careers. Everyone responds positively to a beautiful smile.

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