Cosmetic Dentistry Center
7708 4th Avenue
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY 11209
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    Cosmetic Dentistry – A Time for Change

    If you look at the teeth of children and teenagers they are usually enviably white, and it is easy to see why a beautiful smile is often associated with youth. All this can change with age, as teeth gradually darken, gums can recede, and some people may experience tooth loss. If this sounds a little too familiar then why not ask us about cosmetic dentistry in Brooklyn, NYC?

    Our cosmetic dentist can help to rejuvenate your teeth through using the very latest cosmetic dental materials and techniques. We can give you a youthful smile that will not look out of place or unnatural. Above all, we can help you gain and maintain a healthy mouth, and can restore your smile so all your teeth function correctly. It is easy to overlook the importance of this, but being unable to eat properly due to missing teeth could lead to digestive problems, and being unable to eat healthy food containing plenty of nutrients could affect your overall health.

    Taking the First Steps towards a New Smile

    If you are interested in learning how we could help your smile, then why not book a dental appointment to find out more. Our cosmetic dentist will assess your smile, and will ask you how you’d like to improve it, and which aspects you are particularly unhappy with. The next step will be to formulate a treatment plan.

    This shows the recommended treatments as well as their costs. You may be pleasantly surprised to find out we offer affordable teeth whitening and more specialized treatments such as affordable dental implants or mini-dental implants.

    If your teeth and gums are generally in good condition, it could be that you do not really require any significant dental work, as even small changes such as renewing white fillings or just having your teeth professionally cleaned and polished can make a difference. We will recommend the treatments we think will be most beneficial to you, but it is entirely up to you as to which procedures you choose. Some people will opt for a complete smile makeover, while others may choose to have some cosmetic dental work completed now, and to save up for other treatments at a later date.

    Most people will opt for professional teeth whitening, and may choose to straighten teeth through having orthodontics, dental crowns or veneers. Crowns and veneers can also be used to cover up teeth that are internally stained, misshapen or which have cracks or chips. Dental implants will usually provide the best cosmetic results when replacing missing teeth and are well-worth the extra effort and time.

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  • With our unique approach dentistry could be painless

    We pursue perfection; you will be surprised by knowledge, accuracy and professionalism of our staff. All the work done

    in our Cosmetic Dentistry Center at the Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY location. We have in-house laboratory as well as newest

    3D technology equipment.

Cosmetic Dentistry Center