Cosmetic Dentistry Center
7708 4th Avenue
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY 11209
  • Cosmetic Dentistry Center: Looking after Your Teeth in Summer

    Summer is here and many people are looking forward to their vacations. This time of year can take its toll on your teeth but with a little bit of knowledge you can still make the best of the summer weather while maintaining a beautiful and healthy smile.

    Swimming and Its Effect on Your Teeth

    There’s no better way to cool off on a hot summer’s day than with a quick dip, but if you choose to visit a swimming pool then just be aware of how the chemicals could affect your teeth, particularly if you like to swim regularly. It’s been shown that spending more than six hours a week in the pool could potentially discolor your teeth. This is because the pH levels of swimming pool water tend to be higher which has the effect of breaking down proteins in saliva, which in turn can create brownish stains on your teeth. You’re also relying on the swimming pool making sure the pH levels of the water are correctly balanced. If it’s too acidic it could soften your tooth enamel, increasing the risk of tooth decay.

    Fresh Berries and Fruits

    Summer is the soft fruit season and while it’s great to make the most of juicy berries, be aware that they could stain your teeth. Soft fruits such as strawberries tend to be quite acidic which can have the effect of softening your tooth enamel, potentially causing enamel erosion. This doesn’t mean you should avoid eating these fruits as they can be full of valuable vitamins. Instead make sure you consume them as part of a main meal rather than snacking on them right throughout the day. It can also help to pair them with dairy products such as natural yogurt or unsweetened cream as these will provide you with calcium which helps to harden tooth enamel. After you have finished eating soft fruits, rinse your mouth with plain water as this will reduce the acidity levels.

    Summertime Beverages

    Beverages such as white wine, soda, sports drinks and beer can all be loaded with sugars and acids. Wherever possible pick water over sugary sports drinks and sodas. When enjoying a wine or beer, make sure you have water on hand to help rinse your mouth at regular intervals. This will help reduce acidity levels while still enabling you to enjoy yourself.

    Need a Checkup before Your Vacation?

    Dental emergencies are horrible at any time but can be especially bad if you are away from home and your regular dentist. If you are planning a vacation during the next few months, make sure you are up to date with your regular checkups at the Cosmetic Dentistry Center. A quick examination will help ensure you don’t have any dental problems that could ruin your hard-earned vacation. A hygiene appointment will help brighten up your smile just in time for summer, or alternatively you might even want to whiten your teeth before you go away. Our in office whitening treatments using Zoom whitening can quickly and effectively brighten up your teeth just in time for those long lazy summer days.

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Cosmetic Dentistry Center