Cosmetic Dentistry Center
7708 4th Avenue
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY 11209
  • What Is a One Hour Crown? Learn about CEREC Crowns

    Many of us have experienced that awful sensation if biting into something and feeling a tooth just crumble away. Even if you already knew that tooth was in trouble it can still come as a bit of a shock and then there is the worry of having a gappy or less than perfect smile. Other times an older crown may eventually fail or will drop out and be lost, or swallowed.

    Traditionally that tooth would have been covered up with a crown that would be fabricated in a dental laboratory, and while the final results might be excellent it generally means living with a temporary tooth for at least a couple of weeks or perhaps even longer. So what is the alternative?

    Get Your Crown Made or Replaced in Just One Dental Visit

    Does this sound too good to be true? It really isn’t as the Cosmetic Dentistry Center has a CEREC machine that can produce beautiful crowns while you wait. You will leave our dental office with your new permanent crown in position so there is no need to use temporary crowns that can often fall out or break or which are uncomfortable to wear. Instead you will be able to go on with your everyday life. This machine has proved to be invaluable for people just about to go on vacation or who have a special event to attend.

    How Is a One Hour Crown Made?

    The process for making a one hour crown is very straightforward, and quite a few patients will find it preferable to the process for making a traditional crown. This is because the tooth is prepared in exactly the same way, but instead of taking an impression of your mouth your dentist uses a camera to scan the tooth. The information is then put onto a computer and used to design the crown.

    The lack of an impression can make this treatment ideal for anyone who has a very strong gag reflex or who simply hates having impressions taken. Once the crown has been designed, the information is transmitted to the milling machine which will mill the crown from a single block of porcelain in a shade selected to match your existing teeth. The milling process is very quick and afterwards the crown will be hand-finished before being cemented in your mouth.

    Is a CEREC Crown as Good as a Traditional Crown?

    A CEREC crown is made from extremely high quality materials and is precision-milled. This means it should fit exactly over the prepared tooth, sealing out all bacteria which could otherwise cause infection and decay. The porcelain blocks will create very lifelike crowns, especially after they have been hand-finished and glazed. While these crowns are excellent for replacing teeth, there may be occasions where you would be better of opting for a traditionally made crown. This might be the case if your natural teeth have lots of different colors that would be tricky to replicate using a single block of pre-shaded porcelain. A dental technician can use many different shades of porcelain to more closely match the appearance of your natural teeth.

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Cosmetic Dentistry Center